When it comes to looking after ourselves, many mums tend to put themselves last. Whether it be their mental, physical or spiritual well being or perhaps even all of the above. This is usually set off by the drastic changes that all parents experience when their first little munchkin is born, and we have to […]
About Me
The Best Ever Goal Setting Trick to get Kids to achieve anything- The Achievement Angel
I cant fully take credit for this one actually but this is the best hack for getting kids to set goals and keep working at achieving them. It works a treat. Just like magic. And what kid doesn’t love magic? The Invention of this Magical Master So my husband comes up the other day with […]
How to control your mum ego and have a better connection with your kids
I think we all begin our parenting journey with ideals and expectations of how we think it is going to be or what kind of parent we imagine we will become. It’s very interesting looking back on how you thought it was going to be, compared to how it actually is and reflecting back on […]
Three Movie Characters who Inspire Positive Parenting – A recipe for being a fun Mum
I always wanted to be a really fun mum. I grew up in a family full of laughter, fun, jokes, pranks, sports, music and creativity. My childhood really was an all-round bloody good time. So naturally, when I became a mum, I wanted the same things for my kids. And I was lucky enough to find […]
Change the way you think about mum guilt for good.
Mum guilt. It’s something every mum knows all too well from the moment they become a mother. Whether you feel it because you didn’t have a natural birth, you didn’t breast feed, you went back to work, you didn’t go back to work, your kids had too much T.V. time today, or maybe that nutritious […]
STOP obsessing over food and love the body you’re in so you never have to diet again.
Does your low self-esteem and negative body image impact on the way you eat? Or don’t eat. Or eat too much? I come from a long line of women who have always hated the way we look in the mirror. This came from my mum, who got it from her mum, who probably got it […]
9 powerful truths that will help you ‘Get out of your own way’ so YOU can achieve your goals.
Are you waiting for the perfect time, the perfect vision board or the perfect moment to get your shit together and finally chase that dream you’ve always wanted? Let me guess, you have a head full of excuses and ideas that contribute to you NOT DOING all the things you should be doing to help […]