Welcome to

the little mum that did.

The place to be if you are ready to MIGHTY UP your life and your family’s too!  I’m all about encouraging Mums and their families to live their fullest lives by developing a family culture that shares that winning MINDSET! This website is not all about YOU mama, but it does start with YOU. This is the ultimate personal development website, not just for mums, but the whole family. 

Because I believe that families who strive together ..... thrive together.

Krystal hamilton

Here, you can learn the tools to;


  • Smash down limiting beliefs that hold you back

  • Find the courage to pursue your ultimate you

  • Teach your kids to be unstoppable, unlimited and resilient humans too

As for the name ….. The Little Mum That DID ….. well that’s me if you were wondering. I’m Krystal, I’m a mum of 3, (+ a husband) and I’m also a trained Primary School teacher. We live at the bottom of the planet, in the tropical part of New Zealand, which we believe is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Here I am with my tribe of super heroes (sometimes villains) that we are raising one trial and error at a time. 


So what does it mean to be a Little Mum That DID? Well, I’m sure that you’ve heard the story of the little engine that could. You know the train that fails to get up a hill as he repeats the phrase

‘I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.’

And only succeeds when he begins to tell himself,

‘I know I can. I know I can. I know I can.’ 

Well, when my teacher registration expired at the beginning of this year, I decided it was about time to let go of that old life, get inspired and set my wheels in motion to do something different with my life. And the main ingredient that allowed me to follow through on this decision …….. was MINDSET.

I know the toll that it takes to get up everyday, and do the same thing, day after day, year after year and dread the likes of Mondays. I watched my mum do it, (who is my superstar BTW), every day of the week until she was finally able to retire. 

At age 65!!!

Well, I have decided, that is NOT for me. And I especially don’t want my kids to bear witness to me trudging through every day in misery either. Which is what the majority of us do without even realising it. But I don’t want to live on autopilot anymore. And I don’t think you do either?

So my biggest motivation?

Well, I’ve realised that I’m not just doing this for me. 

I want more for my family too.

I want to teach my kids how to live up to their fullest potential by showing them that I can do it first. I want to be my best self, follow my dreams WHICH ARE NOW GOALS and prove that anybody who sets their mind to it, can live their best lives and do unbelievable things. 

No limits I say! 

And that, is what both my husband and I are on a mission to raise our children to believe. One small step at a time. That they too, can be anything they want to be. 

So, as a family, we’re on a Mighty Mission, to MIGHTY UP our lives and be the best version of ourselves that we can be. And believe me it’s so much FUN!

So how can I help you?

Well, I want to help you do this too. 

I believe that everyone, including YOU has the ability to bring on their MIGHTY. To be your best self and to push beyond your limits like you never have before. 

And the best part is that you can do this WITH your family. And I have all the tools that you can use to do it. 

This blog is not just to help YOU. It’s to help you, HELP YOUR KIDS too!

Follow our journey and find the inspiration, knowledge and practical tools, not just for YOU but YOUR KIDS TOO. We can help you find the courage and get you on your way to living a MIGHTY LIFE. Just like we are. 

I have all the experience of teaching and being a mum that I write about in this blog. All authentic and relatable posts that might just help you with the things you need to be able to create the life you want. And be the mum you want to be.

Learn how to master your own minds. get organised. Train your thoughts and step out of your comfort zones. TOGETHER. Just like we are. 

So what makes me the expert?

One of the best pieces of advice I received when our first daughter was born was that

 “No one is a parenting expert.’ I got that one from my cousin who passed it on from her very own gynecologist. 

The only person who knows what is best for your children is YOU. So I certainly don’t proclaim to be any PARENTING EXPERT of the sort.

In fact, that $45 000 student loan I racked up at university  while obtaining my Bachelor of Social Sciences and Post-Grad in teaching degree(s) did absolute bugger all in preparing me for what the life of parenting has thrown at me.

But what I do love is knowledge, reading, listening to podcasts and applying what I know to our everyday challenges.  What works for us, may not always work for you, but that’s the beauty of parenting. You take the wins with the wins and learn from the losses. And I’m prepared to show you the lot!!

I’m fascinated with the inner workings of the brain, the psychology of children’s behaviour and am currently studying to gain my Life Coaching Certification. 

And then, I take my team, (Husband and 3 kids) and experiment to find out what works, and what abysmally fails so that you don’t have to. 

And fail we do. In order to succeed. 

So what about you? Are you prepared to take on the world and live a Mighty Life WITH your family? 

Because it takes a Mighty Mum to Raise Mighty KIDS!

It’s time to stop settling  and start going for the things that you really want. 

Let me help you take the reigns in your life, become the role model you’d love your kids to see and start thriving as a family. 

Because the secret to raising happy, confident, resilient and successful kids, is to be so yourself. 
