Do you dread the idea of meal planning for your family? Maybe you’ve put it in the too hard basket thinking that it takes too much time and doesn’t really save you money in the long run. But you’re sick of standing in front of the fridge every night wondering what the heck you can cook for dinner AGAIN tonight? And you cringe at the thought that cooking yet another meal for your family is on YOU …. and then they don’t even eat it anyway!

Meal planning doesn’t have to be challenging. In fact, since I have been meal planning for my family, life has become so much easier. If you’ve tried meal planning before and it didn’t work out …. you simply haven’t found an EFFECTIVE MEAL PLANNING SYSTEM that works for you.

However, with the right process, you can save so much time, money and frustration about what to eat for dinner every night! And if you can get into the habit of meal planning it is truly game changing!

So, here are my top Stress-free Meal Planning Tips for busy Mums

Download you free Weekly Meal Planning Template and Shopping List HERE to get started!

The following steps guide you through how I have processed and systemised my weekly meal planning. If you follow through on all steps and make a habit out of it … every week gets easier. And eventually you will have a whole bank of meal plans that are just done for you!

It’s so easy that sometimes I even get my husband to do it.

And the best part is that it has taken the stress out of feeding my family because I don’t have to think about what to cook every night when I get home!

The Ultimate Meal Planning System

Take the stress out of meal planning with this simple system! And save money and time while you’re at it!

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    #1 Plan Every Meal for the Week- FREE 7 day Meal Planner Printable

    Honestly, putting a bit of time into planning your weekly meals at the beginning of the week can save you loads later on.

    I like to plan every meal we have in our house because I simply don’t like having to think on the spot about what to feed everyone at mealtimes. I plan everything from snacks, to breakfasts, lunches and then dinners.

    However, you can do what works for you.

    You can decide what meals your plan covers- breaky, lunch, dinner or just dinner? And then think about how often you like to do the grocery shopping so you know how many days you need to plan for? eg. do you need a 7 day, 3 day, or 2 week planner perhaps?

    Now use your weekly meal planner to add ingredients that you need onto your shopping list!

    You can download my meal planning templates and shopping list here to help you.

    Free Weekly Meal Planning templates and Categorised Shopping List

    #2 Use a shopping list template! – Use my FREE printable download

    Create a shopping list that is simple and easy to follow. Or download this free printable which categorises all of shopping items into the different sections or aisles of the supermarket.

    I love this because it means that I never forget anything or have to race back to a previous section of the supermarket to get things that I have forgotten!

    Take it with you and cross off items as you go or do your shopping online!

    Even better, hand it over to your husband (Like I do sometimes) and get him to do it! I’m lucky, because my husband loves food, so he enjoys doing the supermarket run! Which is a win win because I don’t! Especially with 3 kids!

    Download my Weekly Meal Planning Templates below with the Shopping List included!

    Get My FREE Weekly Meal Planning Templates!


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      #3 Have weekly pantry staples already on your list!!

      I call these my concrete items. These are the things I have on my list every week and are usually perishable items or are just a weekly bought type of item. eg. fruit and veges, toilet paper, washing powder, eggs, bread etc.

      Then I just go through and cross any of them off, if I feel like we don’t need them this week. And that’s usually half my shopping list plan done anyway.  So easy.

      If you use my free printable template list, write your own weekly staples on it and photocopy it every week so you can simply cross them off or add to it before you shop.

      Keep a copy in the kitchen so that it is handy and whenever you think of something you might need, it just gets added to the list! AGAIN, SO EASY! And means that you never forget anything or run out of anything you need!

      Our weekly staples list!

      #4 Shop your own pantry and fridge before adding to the list.

      Do a quick check of all items that you already have! What are some staples that need topping up? Cross them off or add anything that you need. No more double ups of things that you already have!

      Saves doubling up or forgetting anything!

      #5 Have a list of easy, go to meals and family favs that you can make. 

      So this is my biggest meal planning tip here.  And will save you so much time in the long run!

      Take some time to write a list of your favourite meals, and then beside each of those meals, list every ingredient you need to make them.

      Then, you can use this list at the beginning of every week for your meal planning. Add the meal to your weekly meal plan and then add the ingredients needed to you shopping list.

      And what’s even better? Once you’ve done this, it becomes so simple and quick to do your meal plan for the week and you can even get someone else in your house to do it for you.  

      You can take a look at our entire Meal Planning System here! It has completely taken the stress out of how we plan and organise our meals. There are tips as to how to get kids to eat healthier and fun ways to get them to choose the meals with you so there is less whining.

      The Ultimate Meal Planning System

      Take the stress out of meal planning with this simple system! And save money and time while you’re at it!

        We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

        #6 Look at your weekly schedule. 

        Think about where are you going to be at meal times this week?

        What meals can you make to take with you? Or do you even need to plan a meal for that day?

        Maybe you are planning to be out for dinner with friends this week so there will be no need to plan a dinner for that night.

        #7 Cook once …. eat twice!

        Double the recipe and either freeze half for another dinner or save it for lunch tomorrow!

        I love it when I’m tired, don’t want to cook and have a frozen meal I can pull out and heat up with ease!

        This is also a great way to have dinner organised on those busy afternoons that we run around afterschool taking the kids to their extracurricular activities.

        #8 Use your crock pot!

        A crock pot should really be called ‘A Mums best friend!’ I love throwing all the ingredients to a meal in the crock pot in the morning before I drop the kids to school and BOOM- dinner is done! Ready to serve when we get home later!

        #9 Once you are in the supermarket, purchase ONLY what is on your list!!!

        Don’t get fooled by the items that are calling out to you that you don’t need.

        This takes a bit of will power ladies, but make sure you do this or once again that weekly budget will get blown out of the water. If you’ve planned right, you wont need anything that is not on your list. I love online shopping because then I don’t walk the aisles and have this happen.

        #10 Keep your meal plan readily available and stick to it.

        Have your meal plan on the wall, in an easy to grab folder or somewhere that is easily accessible for you to refer to whenever you enter the kitchen for a meal.

        Display it, where everyone can see it so no one ever asks you what’s for dinner ever again!

        Seriously, meal planning can take a whole lot of stress out of dinner times for you and your family and if you’re keen to start saving money and time then this is one of the best places to start.

        Stop throwing your money out with all that rotten unused food that you didn’t plan to eat. Start eating a healthier diet and enjoy making good nutritious meals again. And best of all, create happier meal times with your family! Happy shopping everyone!

        Putting the time in to create a Meal Planning System is worth it!

        The Ultimate Meal Planning System

        Take the stress out of meal planning with this simple system! And save money and time while you’re at it!

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