It sounds crazy right? Getting up earlier and having less sleep can actually cure your mummy burn out? Doesn’t that just seem too far-fetched to be true? Well listen up because, I was certainly skeptical of the idea myself, until I tried it.
Having never been a morning person, you might say I was a little reluctant to give this a go. I had been suffering serious mummy burnout since I had my third little wildling and was struggling to get through the days with my eyes open. So how on earth was having less sleep supposed to help me?
Well, you see, amongst many of the common reasons mums suffer burn out, my biggest reason in becoming Burnt Out Betty in the first place was because I had so much to do and what seemed like not enough time to do it. I was super overwhelmed by the amount of tasks I needed to do in a day in order to make sure my life and my family’s lives ran smoothly. To have the ability to be the best version of myself simply means that I just need to get that shit done.
I’ve worked out that my reason for burning out is because of overwhelm. And how do I reduce my overwhelm? By staying on top of everything. And in order to do that, I just need more time in the day. And as it turns out, the early morning is the best place to steal it.
So here’s 5 ways getting up early changed my life and helped me beat mummy burn out
#1: I found my productivity
It turns out that I am crazy productive in the morning. (After my coffee of course). Those couple of hours I get before my 3 little ones wake up are probably the most productive of my day. I can tick so much off my to do list before the sun even rises and most people are out of bed. It totally amazes me how much more I can get done in this chunk of time than I can during the day with all other distractions or little people throwing demands at me and interrupting my flow. The house is so perfectly quiet and peaceful and I am able to focus so clearly on what needs to get done.
#2: I now always have time for some ME time.
This free time is not always about catching up and staying on top of my work/housework. This is an amazing time I get to spend with just ME. Self care is so uber important in a busy mum’s life, and this was certainly one of the areas of my life I neglected for a long time, which sent me spiraling into my hole of mummy burn out. So now, I always make sure I make time for some movement, meditation and even some reading or listening to an inspiring podcast. This allows me to be calm and more centered in the mornings and this reflects in my parenting, and the way I respond to my children because I don’t feel so stretched anymore. Believe me, setting up these every day habits in your morning routine, is so worth it, I promise.
#3: I am always prepared and organised for the day ahead.
What a difference this makes to the running of our household. I’m no longer running around trying to find the match to the other shoe, or the t-shirt to their uniform which was probably wet on the line, or even still dirty on the floor hidden somewhere in the mess. The stress, the rush, the overwhelm has all depleted over time since I have refined our daily routine, and having the time to get everything ready to go in the morning for when the kids get up makes the morning run so much more smoothly. The morning fluster is gone and I am always on top of the day right from the beginning. All that morning madness and chaos that was a vital part in what was causing my burn out in the first place, is gone.
#4: Life is just easier
It really is. I have found that extra time that I so desperately needed more of in my day in order to get things done. My overwhelm is gone, because I am able to keep on top of everything, I’m no longer rushing around in constant stress because I have so much to do. And my brain seems to work better now that it is not so congested with so many things I need to do and remember. Which leads to my next and most important reason why I need to get up early.
#5: I am a HAPPY and FUN mum again
I guess this was my biggest reason for getting up so early in the morning in the first place. I don’t just do it for me, I do it for my family. And now, I actually get to enjoy all the moments of my family life because I am no longer high strung, overwhelmed and rushing to get them out the door in the morning in a fluster and panic. I get more time with my children. More happy moments and fun play with my children. And that, my beautiful Mums out there, is all the reason I need to get up early everyday.
These may seem like they are all little things but they make a big difference. If you don’t believe me, then just try it. I promise, you will get more out of your morning, with less sleep and more doing.