Mum life is busy. I hear it a lot, ‘There’s just so much to do, and not enough time to do it.’ We’re all busy trying to fit a million things into the day and feel bad about not achieving enough when we throw ourselves into bed at night. So, here are my top time management tips for how I juggle 3 kids, a cat, a dog, a husband, run my side hustle and maintain a household without feeling overwhelmed!

#1 Recognise that you CAN’T do everything

I know we love to think that we can do it all … but we cant. And this was one of my biggest breakthroughs as a Mum… understanding that there is always a lot to do but only certain things need to be done.

We need sleep. We need to eat. And we need to keep our kids alive. 

Seasons change and so do our priorities, so depending on what stage of motherhood you are in, some things will take priority over others.

And that is ok!

Realising that it is OK TO LET SOME THINGS GO to make room for the things that need your focus right now is a game changer. Which leads me to tip #2!

#2 Prioritise

Mums love to make lists.

I always make a list at the beginning of the week. I download everything from my brain onto a sheet of paper. Then …. I rank each task in order of importance by categorising them into Must Do’s, Should Do’s and Would like to do’s. 

I always try to do the important stuff first and fit the other things in around it if I can. Sometimes, I have to be ruthless when deciding what really Must be done and what can wait for another time.  (Recovering perfectionist here- but it really is so much better to let those things go). 

And don’t forget that you are allowed to say NO!

You don’t have to attend every school meeting or look after your best friends kids. Sometimes we take on too many things to please others. Saying NO can be tough but it can free up time for you.

#3 Simplify your life

I’m the Mum and most likely just like you, I am in charge of everything. I’m the organiser, the taxi driver, the nurse, the cook, the cleaner – you name it I do it! 

But when we juggle too many things… that’s when it becomes easy to drop the ball. And that usually means we drop the things that we need the most. Like looking after ourselves.

So, the fewer balls that you have to juggle the easier it becomes. Take a look over your priorities again.

What balls can you drop to reduce the load of everything that you are currently trying to juggle?

Question you MUST DO”S!

Do you really need to clean the windows today? 

Can someone else take your child to soccer practice? 

What can you cut out that you really don’t need to be doing?

Don’t just look at your to do’s for how to simplify. What else can you get rid of that takes up space in your physical environment? 

Having less stuff, means less stuff to organise. Which is yet another ball dropped. Get rid of excess junk that takes up space in your home and this will also make more mental space in your brain. Decluttering is super therapeutic! So simplify your home to make life easier. 

Think about what is really useful to you? And get rid of the rest. 

#4 Streamline your tasks and put systems in place to make it easier to get things done

I was so stressed and overwhelmed with the perpetual To DO list that never seemed to get done that I completely burnt out. I was so tired, and so exhausted that I could barely do the simple things that needed to be done in a day.

So my husband suggested that I process and systemise everything. I thought this was ridiculous … but then it did kinda make sense. 

So, I created a huge long list of everything that needs to be done in a week for our family. From meal planning, to cooking, to school drop offs/ extra curricular activities, to cleaning and maintaining a healthy exercise regime. Everything went on my list.

I have now processed exactly how and when we meal plan, organise our schedule, clean the house and everything else that needs doing every week!

You might like to read the post below which outlines how I streamline our home cleaning:

How to keep a consistently tidy home- EVEN WITH KIDS. (Free cleaning schedule template)

And we simply follow the process every week to get all of it done! Routine is everything and it really makes life so simple.

You can do this too: Start by making your big list of things!

Break everything down into smaller chunks and spread them throughout the week when you want to do them! Simply doing the little things every day builds up and it’s amazing how much you can achieve by doing things this way!

#5 Don’t do it all on your own

Delegate. I couldn’t do everything on my own and I am a firm believer that I should NOT have toI. Everyone has a responsibility to chip in and contribute in our family.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Even if you give away the little things they add up! My husband empties the kitchen bin every morning as one of his chores and it really makes so much difference! That’s one less thing that I have to do!

You can read this post to find out how I delegated to my family! It took a bit of training … but it’s worth it! 

How to get your husband to do chores- WITHOUT NAGGING!

The Ultimate Stress-Free Morning Routine That Actually Works- Free Chore Chart Printables!

Tip: Money can buy time

If you can afford to, why not buy back your time? Why not pay for a cleaner or someone to mow the lawns? Or put a little aside to pay someone to do those things so you can do the things you want to do.

Money can buy happiness.

#6 Accept imperfection

The expectations that we put on ourselves to be the perfect Mum are often way too high. You only have to take a look on Pinterest, FB or Instagram to see how everyone else is doing a better job than you are. 

The reality is that your house is never going to be perfectly clean. Pinterest Mums don’t exist.  And you are probably beating yourself up because things aren’t the way you perfectly want them to be.

But everything is temporary. Your kids will grow up and eventually move out. So what might they remember of you? That perfect Mum, who kept everything immaculate all the time? Or the mum who found true connection with her kids. 

You may also like to read: How to let go of perfectionism-Be a happier Mum & raise happier kids

#7 Take a break- Hit the reset button

They say that change is as good as rest. So take a break from it all once in a while! Step out of your busy, whether it is a week’s holiday or a weekend where you just do nothing. Breaking up the constant and doing something different is refreshing and you’ll find when you get back your productivity and willingness to do things will be better.

#8 Turn off notifications

Distraction is the ultimate killer of productivity. I have learnt to turn off all notifications on my phone because I know how easy it is to answer to the sound of a ‘ding’ and suddenly I’ve wasted an hour of my day scrolling through other peoples lives and haven’t achieved anything!

You can set a time for this in your day and stick to it! You don’t have to answer to everyone straight away. Establish a time that you allow yourself to spend on your phone or reading your emails and stick it!

#9 Multitask only where appropriate

Sometimes we can kill 2 birds with one stone. Multitasking is not ideal but there are some activities that can be put together to get more done. Here are some examples: 

I love to listen to podcasts and audiobooks while I’m doing housework.

My husband and I both work out together. This means that not only are we ticking off our exercise for the day but we have spent some time with each other. 

Maybe you could watch your fav Netflix show while you workout? Or play with your kids as your exercise! My kids love it when I bounce them on the trampoline and it’s a great cardio and leg workout!

The trick is to not over do it. Pick multitasking activities that work together. But also make sure that you set yourself some clear boundaries. Do work when it’s work time, chores when it’s chore time and spend quality time with your kids when you have them.

And don’t forget to plan in some time for YOU! You can’t pour from an empty cup so taking care of yourself and taking time out is super important when you are so busy.

Get quality sleep, eat a healthy diet and find some self-care strategies that work best for you so you can operate at your best!

If you’re ready to tame your busy and OWN IT … take a look at the Mum Juggle Solution! These are the systems that have transformed my life with my family, so I feel on top of everything!

These proven systems have turned our once chaotic and stressed household into a more ordered and calm home environment that I always imagined I would bring my children up in. If you are sick and tired of being overwhelmed and stressed by your busy then this system is for you! Click HERE to find out more!