I always wanted to be a really fun mum. I grew up in a family full of laughter, fun, jokes, pranks, sports, music and creativity. My childhood really was an all-round bloody good time. So naturally, when I became a mum, I wanted the same things for my kids. And I was lucky enough to find a husband who was even more fun than I am. As I write this I can actually hear them outside paying ogres or some sort of imaginary game in the back yard.

Wow, we have some really good times with our kids. We often have the neighbors pop their heads over the fence just to see what the hell we are up to. The whole street knows us because they often hear the (mostly) controlled chaos all the way down the road.

However, I lost it for a while there. I became too focused on the silly meaningless little things which detracted from my ability to have fun with my children. I got bogged down with housework, drop offs, cooking, cleaning, the overall rush and the pressure to be a good mum. I had temporarily removed the fun from my daily life with my kids! I literally caught myself one day looking at my eldest daughter and I thought to myself when did she get so fucking BIG! It felt like yesterday she was a toddler roaming around the house butt naked now she is 7 and looks so grown up!

They really do grow up so fast.

Too fast.

For me the most important thing is to constantly remind myself to have as much fun with them as often as I can because I know this time is finite.

So anyway, the three movie characters who have helped me to instill PURE FUN into my parenting. This idea came about after one of our regular Sunday sleepover nights we have every Sunday, where we pull our mattresses into the lounge, watch a new movie together and eat terribly delicious treats, just like at the movies. Popcorn, ice-cream and everything bad. I recently became massively inspired after watching Mary Poppins returns and thought it only fitting that I create a recipe full of character traits from our favorite movies. The ones that have helped me remember to be a fun mum again.

(Think about who your favorite ones are too and how they could encourage you to be more fun with your children. Play away).

Movie Character Mashup: Ingredients of a Fun Mum

A cup of Mary Poppins, a few tablespoons of Patch Addams and a pinch of Peter Pan

Step 1: A cup of Mary Poppins

She is right at the top of my list. My ultimate favourite!!!! I always wanted to be that Mary Poppins kinda mum. You know, kind, calm, humorous but firm with a good hearted intention. Well presented (well sometimes) and organised but willing to be spontaneous and get my hands dirty. I  love a good dance, dress up and sing along, even though I sound like a cat being tortured by the neighbours dog. So I just sing louder. But that beautiful Mary Poppins, is just an all round ‘Live in the moment’ character full of fun, imagination and magic. Seeing the magic in moments that unfold throughout the day is a skill that needs practice, especially in those potentially frustrating moments. Example Piper, my 2 year old daughter showing off her artistic ability by scribbling vivid all over the carpet. So in true Mary Poppins style I try to see things like this in a positive way, from a different perspective and  embrace the challenges that come my way. Obstacles are just opportunities to figure things out and grow. There’s always a way if we work together.

Step 2: A few tablespoons of Patch Adams

I loved Robbin Williams. He was so much fun and so very clever. There are so many lessons I learnt from his character ‘Patch’, which was actually based on a true story. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it:). 

In this inspirational narrative, the main character Patch Adams truly proves the idea that laughter is the best medicine. He teaches kindness and caring and true empathy when nurturing relationships. He teaches persistence, extraordinary effort and being able to achieve anything you put your mind to, encouraging endless hope and extraordinary faith.

Having watched the movie again recently, I found that he reminded me that it is possible to bring the fun and humour into everyday situations that are usually serious or boring. Something that a lot of us often forget to do when we get overloaded by other mumming duties. It’s true. Just as Mary Poppins said, “The Adults always forget.’

I now try and find the fun in everyday things with my children. We  laugh at their mistakes and teach them to laugh at themselves too. It’s important to us, to encourage them to be fearless, that failures, not just theirs but ours too are pathways to success and self improvement. And above all, it’s important to remember to listen to them and be empathetic to their needs, because sometimes the little things to us, seem really big to them. (Remember, their brains do not function like ours do yet). Patch Addams biggest success was created by his ability to express understanding and empathy for his patients. Try to see things from your kids’ perspective too.

Step 3: A Pinch of Peter Pan

Fun, excitement, imagination, kindness and magic.  Sure, everyone has to grow old, but you can choose if you want to grow up. Becoming a mom gave me the chance to see the magic again.  You can also choose to ‘Find the magic around you.’ It doesn’t just appear, you have to intentionally seek it out with willingness, an open heart and pure creative imagination. A child’s imagination is such a wonderful gift that can take you on a wild ride of adventure, transforming the ordinary into extraordinary. Get on that ride with them. Encourage it and nurture it for all it’s worth. 

Peter Pan is not only full of childish fun, he also encourages the power of positivity!!! Your wings only work when you think of the happiest things. Learn to practice gratitude and seeing things in a positive way. Everyday and in everything. 

And then of course, there’s Tinkerbell. She also teaches us about having faith in ourselves. ‘All you need is faith and trust, and a little pixie dust.’ Believe in yourself and your ability to mum. And this will feed through to your kids too.

Now last but not least, don’t forget to throw yourself in the mix too! You have amazing traits to add to this magical concoction. Pick out your best and work on your worst. You only get one chance at this and before you know it the magic, the imagination, the chaos, the mess and the fun will be gone and all will be quiet again. Live in the moment now while it is and use the inspiration of some of these characters to make memories with your children last forever. Go mix up that recipe now!