My kids were bored one holidays. So I made them these cards and called them Cards of Courage. I thought it would be a great idea to give them the opportunity to step outside their regular, boring realm of their every day and give them challenges that were a bit different. I know that courage needs to be practiced, built upon just like a muscle need to be regularly worked in order to grow bigger!

Simple, just print them off and give them to your kids!!!!!


I had no idea how much fun my kids would have with these. We talked a lot about COURAGE and what it means to be courageous. the term often conjures up images of brave warriors who seem to have no fear or worries as they charge into oncoming battles. In fact, courage is all about BEING SCARED. Feeling FEAR, discomfort or vulnerability but DOING IT ANYWAY. Because If we never step out of our comfort zones and push through these emotions, then it’s hard to learn and grow.

So challenge YOUR KIDS to have a go at these. I have tried to include a range of challenges that promote different vulnerabilities depending on different children’s vulnerabilities. There will be some that your children just can’t wait to do and others that they are less inclined to want to do. Talk them through why they should perhaps try one that they don’t like the idea of doing. Ask them what makes them feel uncomfortable or scared about that particular challenge. And discuss ways that they might be able to overcome those.

These have sparked some brilliant discussion sessions in our house and we often refer to the vocabulary of courage and vulnerability and stepping outside of the box when they encounter everyday challenges! It’s been really fun!!! Go on, set your kids up for some adventure, fun and growth with this challenge!! It’s so easy, just print them and give them to your kids! Keeps them occupied for hours!