Affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool for anyone to use. They improve positivity, confidence and overall well being. But the trick is to repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat. And what kid wants to stand in front of the mirror everyday repeating power statements about themselves? So here are some fun alternatives for kids to create, use and repeat their own power affirmations. And become powerful thinkers.


The power of affirmations

I was clipping my 3 year old into her car seat the other day and she decided that she wanted to do it herself. This kid seems to have impeccable timing for wanting to try new things when we are already running late and need to be somewhere. But, the queen that she is would just not let me help her. I was forced to take a step back and wait, with all the patience that I could muster. And then finally I heard that last click. As she looked up at me, she was smiling proudly. And with that she stated with confidence …..

‘See Mum, Piper can do anything.’ 

There are so many moments in my day that I think my kids are not listening. But then I find myself often surprised when they do things like that. From the moment she could walk, I have spoken those exact words to her. Every time she fails or is put under challenge that is the line that I throw at her.

 ‘Piper can do anything.’

And it can be as simple as that. Because that is exactly how affirmations work. It doesn’t matter how affirmations are communicated to your brain, if they are spoken, read, heard or written. If they are repeated over and over and over again your brain will naturally start to default to that thought that you have been practicing. Whether you meant it to or not.

The benefits of positive thinking & positive affirmations

Everyone can benefit from positive thinking. Because what we think, is what we are. And the truth is, that we affirm all day every day, the person that we think we are. And this happens through the process of self talk. How we talk to ourselves is so important in who we believe we are and what we believe that we can achieve. Positive self talk, and catching yourself when thinking negative thoughts is the key to producing more positive thinking in our lives. 

So how do we teach our kids to think positive thoughts about themselves?

We teach them affirmations. We teach them how to catch themselves when they are thinking negative thoughts. And we teach them how to reaffirm their thoughts into positive ones instead. 

Affirmations for kids to cultivate positive thinking
Trick: Affirm positive thinking all day, every day!

So here are some simple and fun ways to teach your kids about affirmations and how they can use them to become positive thinkers.

#1 Create a Mighty Family Mantra- The mother of all affirmations

We call ourselves The Mighty Hamiltons. That’s it. Simple. Effective. And powerful. You can come up with your own family mantra, or just give yourself a powerful name. Just create something that resonates with your family and who you are as a team. If your kids are old enough, you can even get them to help you come up with it themselves. If it’s a short name or statement make sure that your kids understand what it means.

 Our kids know that they are a Mighty Hamilton. We throw it at them all the time. Whenever they face challenges or anything they might be struggling with, we remind them who they are and where they have come from. And it’s simply by reminding them that they are a Mighty Hamilton. And we all know, that that means that we can do anything.

#2 Create your own family Affirmations and display them everywhere

We created a list of family values and affirmations that we believe align with who we think we are. I published them under the heading MIGHTY HAMILTONS and I have displayed several copies throughout the house. Yes, on the bathroom mirror, where they brush their teeth and have to stare at them at least twice a day. And in other places like the fridge and beside the office desk where they often work on their own things and can see that I am proud to display it for everyone to see. I do not force them to read it, however it’s so in their face that it is quite unavoidable and they are naturally drawn to read them. Especially because there is nothing else to do while they are brushing their teeth. 

Our family affirmations. Affirmations for kids.
Our family affirmations.

But let me tell you … it works. My 8 year old can recite the whole list. And she did this, only by reading them every day while brushing her teeth.

I have also created affirmation cards that I stick on the mirror and all around the house for the kids to find. I change them every week and stick up a new thought or quote that might be appropriate for the week.

You can download them here and start doing this too.


#3 Put affirmation cards in their lunch boxes!!!

It was a friend of mine who gave me this idea. She asked me to make some up for her to print and put in her kids lunch boxes. She leaves a note in her kids’ lunch every day and this is of course, another place that they cannot avoid. But they love it!!! So much, that the other day she told me that her daughter had snuck her own little note in her mum lunch box that she takes to work and she was surprised when she went to have her lunch and found a beautiful note of her own. Constant repetition WORKS. And it wears off like you wouldn’t even know. 

#4 Get your kids to record their affirmations with superhero music in the background

This is really fun! My kids are super into all the avengers movies and so I recorded myself saying each affirmation boldly into a recording app as I played Marvel music in the background. We listen to it in the mornings to get us up and motivated for the day. My son especially loves this. And it’s almost like a song that they can remember all the words to. It was the first morning that I played this to them, that I realised that my daughter had already memorised them from the bathroom mirror. Because she could already say them along with what I had recorded.  I then taught her how to use the recording app and she found her own music and recorded her own version for her to listen to. This is more for morning motivation, but you can also get your kids to record their affirmations with calming music to set the tone for the day, or for them to listen to at night as they go to sleep. 

#5 Speak positive affirmations around your kids in everyday language

Affirmations aren’t just for certain moments of the day. We literally affirm what we think all day long by what we say to ourselves and what we say to others. Be aware of what YOU are thinking and what YOU are saying when your children are around. The truth is, kids learn by what they hear you say and what they see you do. So be aware that you are being watched and they are absorbing it ALL.

So be aware of how you speak in front of your kids! Just like my 3 year old knows that ‘Piper can do anything,’ the way you talk to your children in their everyday moments MATTERS. Drum in the core values you want them to learn by reinforcing positive statements over and over in everyday language. Teach them to communicate positively with others and themselves and catch them out when they talk negatively about themselves. Discuss what affirmation might be a better option to think in these circumstances and get them to redirect their thoughts to those instead.

#6 Talk behind their backs- in a good way

This is fun for you and can empower your kids so much when you do it right. This often happens quite naturally but my husband and I have become very aware of how often our kids are actually listening in on our conversations. Often, when we are having a conversation when our kids are in the same room, or the car for example, we will slip in little sentences that we know that they can hear.  Or we may even start up a conversation within the hearing range of our kids and pretend like we don’t know they are listening. We then throw things into our talk, like, ‘Wow, did you see that goal that Kaeleigh scored at soccer today? It was amazing’ or ‘I was so proud of Lachie today because he walked into school all by himself.’ It’s such a good way to lift them up!!! And plant positive seeds in their little brains. 

So why should you teach your kids about affirmations and positive thinking?

It is so important to teach kids how to create a positive voice in their heads.  Their thoughts will guide them through life and the way they choose to live it out.  Teaching them how to think powerful thoughts can equip them with higher self esteem and help them work towards their full potential. It’s easier to do than you think if you make it part of your regular routine and the way that your family lives everyday. And it works. Constant reminding and repetition of positive thoughts to redirect negative thinking only serves to help them grow through challenge, become natural problem solvers and inevitably help them live their best lives.

Get your free positive affirmations for kids and lunchbox quotes here. 
